Like all summer storm seasons, the end date for 2017 can only be found in hindsight. I think for Alberta, August 13 will be the day. I didn’t chase that day as I was in Spruce Grove at an Art Walk but Nevin & Jeff did. They caught some nice shots Great collab chase today …
Month: August 2017
July 27 looked like it might be a good day to chase with Steve. The set up wasn’t ideal, but it looked good enough to head out. We decided to stage at Red Deer as there was quite a bit of uncertainty as to where things were going to get started. Plus Peter’s. About 2, …
July 23, 2017 is not a day I’ll soon forget. The set up looked pretty good and I checked with Nevin to see if he was going to chase but he was heading off on vacation that evening so decided to stick around Edmonton. I messaged Chris and Beth on Twitter and they both said …